StartDuino – Scheda per controllo servi e motori


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Questa scheda integra al suo interno sia l’elettronica di potenza per il controllo di motori e servi, sia il microcontrollore ATmega per eseguire funzioni di alto livello ed evitare di dover utilizzare Arduino o un’altra scheda aggiuntiva risparmiando anche spazio. Propone, quindi, una soluzione economica e robusta rispetto a quelle attualmente presenti sul mercato che richiedono l’uso di almeno di schede.

In pratica, utilizzando questo controller potete direttamente controllare motori e servi senza utilizzare Arduino perchè il suo microcontrollore è già integrato! Inoltre, funziona direttamente con l’IDE di Arduino ufficiale!

This StarDuino v1.0 Controller is produced by ALSRobot (Harbin Alseon Robotics Technology Co.,Ltd). The StarDuino v1.0 Controller is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega32u4.
StarDuino Controller works perfectly with Arduino IDE.
This controller offers PWM outputs with the possibility to control motors and servos without usin any other board!
It already integrates both the power controls and the logic control since it includes the ATmega controller.
This is a compact solution since you do not need to use Arduino plus the motor shield since these two board are already integrated in this one!

StarDuino controller input and output interfaces are used high-quality Anti-Pin, this design is not only compatible with most existing sensor, but also reducing the probability of error plug.
StarDuino controller board is also compatible with Arduino Sensor Shield v5.0, Wifi shield, You can start it directly from the Arduino IDE 1.0.6 or other newer versions. ATmega32U4 Integrated USB Module,This makes StarDuino controller can not only control motors, but also have the function of computer keyboard and mouse.
More importantly, Atmega32u4 provides two serial ports, so you can make serial communication and online update at the same time, No longer need to frequent plug serial communication modules.

Features Brief:

1. Digital I/O: D0-D16, A0-A5
2. Analog I/O: A0-A5, A6-A11 (the digital interface 4,6,8,9,10,12)
3. PWM ports: 7 (digital pin 3,5,6,9,10,11 and 13)
4. Support USB-powered and external power supply
5. Support ISP download
6. Support I2C/TWI interface
7. Supports 2-way motor drive, peak current 2A, 6 control I/O
8. Support 4 servo drive
9. Support a way buzzer driver


1. Microcontroller: ATmega32u4
2. Boot Loader: Arduino Leonardo
3. Operating voltage: 5V
4. DC Output: 5V / 3.3V
5. Input voltage (recommended): 7-12V
6. Input voltage (ultimate): 6-24V
7. digital port external power supply voltage: 5-20V
8. Digital I/O: 23
9. Analog I/O: 12
10. IO pin DC Current: 40mA
11. 3.3V pin DC Current: 50mA
12. The motor drive module constant output current: 2A
13. volume: 89x79x20mm


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